I have caught a few of the news reports the past few days about the USS Iowa being moved from the mothball fleet in Suisun Bay, refurbished, and then eventually sent to Southern California to be on display as a museum. Yesterday morning, everyone in my area at work noticed the large ship being moved through San Pablo Bay down to Richmond.
When the news report came up again last night, I thought to myself..."hmmm...I should try to find it and see if there are any good timelapse shots." So, I threw on my hoodie and a large sweatshirt, and off I went. I eventually found the battleship docked along the inlet near Harbour Way in Richmond, just south of the railroad tracks and just north of Hall Avenue. There was a large transport vessel just north of the ship, and some dredging occurring just south.
I decided to see if there was a better shot on the other side of the inlet, but unfortunately, there are too many refinery or automotive staging areas along the inlet. This area was a vast port area in the past, and still maintains some of the shipping activity in this cove.
So, I went back to Harbour Way and lined up the best shot I could get. I parked right under the street light next to The Canery, dug out my zoom lens, and set up the parameters. Unfortunately, after getting home and looking at the series of shots, someone forgot to turn off the stabilizer. Thus, the camera appears to go through a 30 minute earthquake over the 5-6 second timelapse. It is quite an eerie series, but it was not quite what I was looking for.
I just shot off an email to the USS Iowa organizers in the hopes of gaining dock access, but until then, this will likely be my best vantage point.
A blog of my experiences while shooting timelapse photography (especially in and around the San Francisco area).
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Occupy Oakland Skyline
I had a softball game this evening. We lost. When driving along 880 on the way to the game, though, I noticed all of the aircraft flying over downtown Oakland covering the Occupy Oakland protesters. After the game and a little pizza with the team, I decided to check out the view from the other side of Lake Merritt.
I drove along the lakefront for a little bit before noticing an enticing outcropping with a good view of downtown and the lake. I parked and walked out to the spot. There was one other photographer there, along with a small group of people. I walked a little to the east just to see if there was a better view, but the outcropping had a great view of the skyline. There was a bright light on the other side of the lake that was obstructed, so it provided the best shot. The small group of people noticed my desire to photograph the skyline, though, and said they were leaving...so I had plenty of space to set up shop.
It was a little after 9:30pm when I showed up, and aircraft were already buzzing around. I had the tripod up and was setting up the camera when I heard loud booms and flashes of light from downtown Oakland and the Occupy Oakland protests. I asked the other photographer if he had heard the booms, and he said it was probably tear gas. (The news later said that the police used tear gas and concussion grenades.)
I compiled the video when I got home, but since I have been having trouble maintaining resolution using iMovie when adding titles, intros and the such, I simply threw this up on YouTube for now. YouTube loses resolution as well, so it's something I still need to work on.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Point Richmond
I was in Point Richmond this afternoon and walked out to the abandoned structures at Ferry Point. I've lived in the Bay Area for almost 11 years now, and I'm still amazed at the amount of historical remnants scattered about. It appears that the railroads used to roll through the Point Richmond tunnel and were able to load their cargo onto the ferry bound for San Francisco at a time when there were no Bay Area bridges.
For my own sake, here's a little summary of the Bay Area Bridges and their construction dates:
Antioch Bridge 1926/1978
Carquinez Bridge 1927/1958/2003
Dumbarton Bridge 1927/1982
Bay Bridge 1936/2013
Golden Gate Bridge 1937
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge 1956
Benicia-Martinez Bridge 1962/2007
San Mateo Bridge 1967/2003
Once the bridges were up, there was less need for the system of ferries, and the respective ferry docks began to deteriorate. Ferry Point is a perfect example of such rapid changes to the Bay Area over the past 100 years. The aging hoist and tracks are still visible against the powerful ocean waves, with the tech savvy San Francisco skyline in the distant horizon. Concrete floors litter the grassy landing where large buildings once stood.
I mainly visited this site to see if it provided a better view of the sun setting over the soft silhouettes of the coastal clouds. I attached the neutral density filter and was able to get a decent shot, but the high level clouds created less of a distinct line between day and night. I think the view from the hills along Point Richmond will actually provide a better view of the cloud dynamic, but that also entails climbing with a significant portion of gear.
After the sun was fully down, the glow from Point Richmond illuminated the cove, so I set up for one last little shot. It was harder to get the proper shutter speed to provide enough light, yet also prevent the cloud action from becoming too blurry. Again, for me, the low level clouds are difficult to incorporate into a nighttime timelapse series.
For my own sake, here's a little summary of the Bay Area Bridges and their construction dates:
Antioch Bridge 1926/1978
Carquinez Bridge 1927/1958/2003
Dumbarton Bridge 1927/1982
Bay Bridge 1936/2013
Golden Gate Bridge 1937
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge 1956
Benicia-Martinez Bridge 1962/2007
San Mateo Bridge 1967/2003
Once the bridges were up, there was less need for the system of ferries, and the respective ferry docks began to deteriorate. Ferry Point is a perfect example of such rapid changes to the Bay Area over the past 100 years. The aging hoist and tracks are still visible against the powerful ocean waves, with the tech savvy San Francisco skyline in the distant horizon. Concrete floors litter the grassy landing where large buildings once stood.
I mainly visited this site to see if it provided a better view of the sun setting over the soft silhouettes of the coastal clouds. I attached the neutral density filter and was able to get a decent shot, but the high level clouds created less of a distinct line between day and night. I think the view from the hills along Point Richmond will actually provide a better view of the cloud dynamic, but that also entails climbing with a significant portion of gear.
After the sun was fully down, the glow from Point Richmond illuminated the cove, so I set up for one last little shot. It was harder to get the proper shutter speed to provide enough light, yet also prevent the cloud action from becoming too blurry. Again, for me, the low level clouds are difficult to incorporate into a nighttime timelapse series.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A few days ago I realized that I wasn't taking pictures in the aspect ratio that I preferred. My Canon T3i defaults to a 3:2 aspect ratio, but most HD video is in the 16:9 aspect ratio. I looked through my settings and changed the default from 3:2 to 16:9.
A high pressure system has rolled through the Bay Area the past few days. This means that the coastal clouds typically stay off the coast and don't make their way into the bay. It also means that the Bay Area gets a bit warmer.
My goal is to get time lapse of all three Bay Area airports at night in some fashion or another. SFO typically gets more fog than the other two, so I figured this would be a good time to see what shots are available of it. I'd found one person who shot SFO from Sweeney Ridge and figured I would head up there without any fog issues. Of course, I didn't decide to head there until a little before 9pm.
I looked on the map before heading out and wanted to see if there were any alternate spots to check out on my way up to the top of Sweeney Ridge. When I made it to Sneath Lane in San Bruno, all my alternate shots had too much light, so I made my way to Sweeney Ridge Park. When I arrived, I found an empty parking lot, but no warnings about a curfew or the park closing at any hours. I also looked at the trail sign which indicated a 1.8 mile hike to the top.
It was already 9:30pm and getting to the top would take at least another half hour, if not longer, and I didn't want to be out all night. Also, when I checked my flashlight, the batteries were dead, so I'd mainly be in the dark by myself late at night. After remembering what Joe Reifer wrote in his blog entry about possible homeless people living in the deserted dwellings at the top, I figured I would nix this attempt by myself. There was a pretty cool view from the parking lot, though, and since I didn't want to go home empty handed, I set up the shot of the hillside and a lone tree, with the back drop of the dimly lit Milky Way behind it. The camera was arranged such that it was on the driver's side of my car and protected from some of the area light. I was really surprised that this many stars came through with so much city light nearby.
I had to open up the camera as much as possible and leave the shutter open for 20 seconds in order to get a good picture. From what I read elsewhere, if the shutter is open longer than 25 seconds, one starts dealing with star trails. I set the intervalometer for 25 seconds, which gave the camera 5 seconds to store the data before being ready for the next exposure. I thought I had the 16:9 ratio set, too, but it appears that the 16:9 is only available when you use the "live view" even if the default is 16:9. It reverts to 3:2 when the "live view" isn't used.
View from the parking lot. |
Every once in a while, a car would go by about half a block away, and the car lights would shine on the hillside. I figured it would probably show up on the exposures. There were a few planes that flew over, too, and I wondered how they might look, as well.
As the time rolled by, I found I had enough shots, but I had only a few minutes left of the current episode and wanted to finish it. All of a sudden, my whole area is basked in bright light. I turn to see a car shining a spot light on my car.
It's a cop.
I close my laptop and place it in the back of my car, before slowly exiting my vehicle. I suppose crawling out of the passenger side looks bad, but when the female cop approached, I pointed to my camera and said I was just doing a little time lapse photography.
The po-po's lights finished off my shoot. |
As I was driving home, though, I realized I need to be extra careful out shooting night shots in these "remote" locations. I also need to get some pepper spray and fresh batteries for the flashlight. After looking at Google a little more, it also looks like there is slightly easier access off Skyline to another trail nearby, which may provide just as good a view. I'll probably try it the next time we're low on fog.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Lazy Sunday
This series of shots was 1 picture every 6 seconds, and I tried to continue until the screen was basically pitch black. There was plenty of light still in the sky, but with the filter on there, the picture went dark fairly fast. I wish I had started a bit earlier on this, as I think having the sun further up in the sky and the clouds being playful along the horizon would have made this series even better.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
On the Water
I had a gathering in Alameda this evening that ended around the time the sun was going down. With the Alameda waterfront lending itself a fantastic view of downtown San Francisco and the Bay Bridge, I figured I would give it a go. I first scanned the view from my perch in Alameda, but the view of the bridge was slightly obstructed. I figured I could get a closer shot from the northern part of the island, which is, unfortunately, the old Alameda Naval Base.
I set up shop on the furthest spot out with the best view. After playing with the settings, I set the intervalometer and was up and running within a few minutes. The sky started out with just a few clouds rolling by, but near the end, it seemed to glow with an abundance of fluffiness.
As the series of shots continued, though, I noticed that the pier would slightly shift throughout the run. I was worried that the shots would looked blurry if the pier moved while the shutter was open. After looking through the pictures, though, it looks like things turned out fine.
After heading home, I decided to get one last shot in for the night. I've noticed the marina has very interesting views with the boat masts, and I figured another nighttime shot in the marina would be nice. I tried to get the best angle looking down the planks, but this was the best I could manage. When I watch the timelapse, the boats seem to move in this eerie motion that's kinda cool, but the clouds moving by are dark and overshadowed by the looming boat movement.
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Gate
Nine minutes after picking up The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, though, the fog had basically surrounded my area and started depositing water droplets on both my camera and lens. Doh!
I am not an expert on camera maintenance, but I knew that touching the lens was bad. It's right up there with crossing streams. Just don't do it! Unfortunately, I did it anyway, but tried to touch it gently in order to wipe away the excess water.
After looking through the camera and determining that the image looked OK, I set up for another shot to watch the fog move through the marina. (As long as the focus isn't set for close shots, anything on the surface of the lens won't show up in the picture unless it's right in the very middle.)
I'm still trying to figure out how to put together a time lapse with shots that take over 3-5 seconds to develop. It seems like the clouds that aren't super far away get really blurry at that time period, but any less exposure time doesn't typically allow in enough light.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunrise in China...Take Two
I played with the settings a bit before triggering the intervalometer. This photo on the side, with several seconds exposure, showed the night glow from the city lights before the sun came up. I also figured out that I can zoom in using the "live view" and focus the lens properly. This helped immensely when the view was mostly dark and I had little to focus on. I started the sequence so that the shot was mainly dark as I figured the encroaching light would soon give me a nice shot. As I progressed with my shots, though, I noticed that the settings I started with only allowed for about 20 minutes worth of decent photos. After that, the light just overwhelmed the sensor and basically started turning the photo too white.
After getting three series with the pond in the foreground and the buildings in the background, I moved over to the nearby clock tower. I think the tower is probably my best series thus far...with the hands of the clock moving faster than time while the clouds gently move across the sky. One can even see the reflection of the clouds in the building's windows.
I only had about 20 minutes for each shoot before heading back to the hotel to get some breakfast before flying back to San Francisco.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunrise in China
Well, I've endured the 12 hour flight over to China, and have pretty much gotten used to the time change. It feels way easier traveling to China by staying awake on the flight over and then crashing when arriving at the hotel. Getting to bed early also lets me get up early...either to take some sunrise timelapse or to exercise before work.
Unfortunately, I don't always guess right.
After working out the first morning, I decided to give the sunrise a shot in the nearby park. I made it out around 5:30am and wandered around the park trying to find the right shot. I found a pond with a view of the hotel and some of the local construction, and thought it was a nice blend of the Chinese art and history with the fast moving pace of the country's production and construction.
There was a Chinese man doing some exercise on the small pier on the pond, so I set up my shot so that he wasn't in it. About halfway through my timelapse, though, he left, and a woman worked her way onto the small landing and into the corner of my shot. With the overcast weather, though, I didn't really have a good series of photos anyway. Hopefully I can get a nice shot before I depart on Thursday.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Dolores Park
I was in the city this afternoon after a number of errands on the peninsula and figured I would visit one of my favorite spots in the city. At the top of Dolores Park, there is this amazing view of downtown San Francisco and the Bay Bridge. With the park sprawling out over 2 city blocks, it provides this unobstructed and spectacular view of the cityscape.
The correct intervalometer arrived earlier this week, so I was finally set to do my first timelapse. I brought my camera and gear along on my errands in the hope that I could kinda scout out a few areas, and hopefully actually get my first series out of the way. Unfortunately, I did not adequately prepare for the weather when embarking on my little escapade.
It was still light when I set up my camera and tripod on the south end of Dolores Park, but with typical San Francisco summer weather, the temperature and wind were definitely on the cooler side. I had two spare towels in my car, and took them along...one to sit on and the other to wrap around myself to stay warm. I had my laptop with me, too, so I sat there for a little over an hour and a half reading. I got up more near the end of the shoot...mainly to stay warm and stretch out a bit.
I had looked over some of the camera controls before tonight, but I had heard that shooting from light to dark is considered the holy grail...mainly because it is hard to have constant settings that maintain a great picture with ever changing light. Since it was my first time out, I decided to put the camera on almost automatic settings. I knew that there would be lighting issues, such that it would never really appear to go from light to dark, but I thought it would be interesting to see how things looked during the sunset.
The camera takes great photos, but I think I had my interval set too high. I shot one picture every 20 seconds, but with the wind and clouds/fog moving so fast, I probably should have shot a picture every 3-6 seconds.
I still need to assembled the pictures into a movie, but hope to do that with Quicktime Pro soon.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day Weekend
It's Labor Day weekend and I'm at my dad's place in Missouri. I just bought my Canon T3i a few weeks ago, and I've been dying to try out the timelapse here in the Midwest where there is less light pollution. All of my accessories arrived this last week, including my intervalometer, an extra camera battery, my camera bag, and the AC adapter for the camera.
So, I loaded both computers into my backpack for the trip, placed all the camera equipment in my camera bag, and checked my main piece of luggage. I heard that the TSW allow 2 pieces of carry-on and a camera bag, but I wasn't willing to gamble my gear on a rumor.
The Milky Way from Missouri. |
I still have a lot to learn, but I was excited to finally take some long exposure shots, especially in anticipation of finally putting together some time lapse shots.
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